Can we take seriously religious experience, spirituality, and mysticism, without reducing them to either cultural-linguistic by-products or simply asserting their validity as a dogmatic fact? The contributors to this volume argue that we can, and they offer a new way: the “participatory turn,” which proposes that individuals and communities have an integral and irreducible role in bringing forth ontologically rich religious worlds.
The Participatory Turn explores the ways this approach weaves together and gives voice to a number of robust trends in contemporary religious scholarship, including the renewed study of lived spirituality, the postmodern emphasis on embodied and gendered subjectivity, the admission of alternate epistemic perspectives, the irreducibility of religious pluralism, and the pragmatist emphasis on transformation.
The first part of the book situates the participatory turn in the context of contemporary Religious Studies; the second part shows how this approach can be applied to various global traditions, ancient and contemporary, from Western esotericism to Jewish mysticism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sufism, and socially engaged Buddhism.
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Introduction: The Participatory Turn in Spirituality, Mysticism, and Religious Studies
Jorge N. Ferrer and Jacob H. Sherman
PART I. Participation and Spirit: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives
1. A Genealogy of Participation
Jacob H. Sherman
2. Participation, Complexity, and the Study of Religion
Sean Kelly
3. Spiritual Knowing as Participatory Enaction: An Answer to the Question of Religious Pluralism
Jorge N. Ferrer
PART II. Surveying the Traditions: Participatory Engagements
4. Engaging with the Mind of God: The Participatory Path of Jewish Mysticism
Brian L. Lancaster
5. Esoteric Paradigms and Participatory Spirituality in the Teachings of Mikhaël Aïvanhov
Lee Irwin
6. Wound of Love: Feminine Theosis and Embodied Mysticism in Teresa of Avila
Beverly J. Lanzetta
7. Ibn al-‘Arabê on Participating in the Mystery
William C. Chittick
8. One Spirit, One Body: Jesus’ Participatory Revolution
Bruno Barnhart
9. Participation Comes of Age: Owen Barfield and the Bhagavad Gita
Robert McDermott
10. Pulsating with Life: The Paradoxical Intuitions of Henri Bergson
G. William Barnard
11. Connecting Inner and Outer Transformation: Toward an Extended Model of Buddhist Practice
Donald Rothberg