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"During our counseling sessions, Jorge created a sacred space in which I felt safe to express the various thoughts, feelings, desires, and concerns that I had about my relationship. He helped me re-access my individuality as a sovereign being within my marriage, and he provided a lifeline of support while I navigated a difficult transitional period with my husband. With Jorge's help, I emerged from the transition with a deep appreciation for my relationship, and a new level of commitment to my partner. I recommend Jorge's counseling services to anyone who is interested in being safely held while they explore the complexities of themselves within the context of their partnership.". - Rayne (Canada)

“I want to thank you above all for helping me rebuild my self-confidence. Feeling how confident you were in my abilities allowed me to believe in them and get out of the stagnant and painful relational situation I was stuck in. Thank you for your mindful listening, revealing exercises, guided visualizations, and words of support. They created a sense of inner legitimacy that continues to whispers me ‘I deserve to be happy, my way.’” – Elisa (United Kingdom)

“My sessions with Jorge were instrumental in getting me through the challenges of the initial stages of the new relationship and onto the next level, where today my partner and I feel much more expansive, deep, and undefeated in our love! It was said that therapists help clients to gain and regain their capacity to love, and as love is physical, emotional, spiritual, and mystical then therapists should work on all those levels. Jorge does exactly that! I am lucky and grateful to benefit from it! And I know we are not the only ones he helps in this holy (from the word ‘whole’) endeavor.” – Janna (Monaco)

“I had been tormented for years due to my infidelities. Jorge helped me to understand deeply their deepest roots and motivations, freeing me form self-judgment and self-criticism. I now feel I can finally enjoy an intimate life that no longer creates conditions for lying and cheating the people I love most in my life. Phew!” – Miguel (Spain)

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for so compassionately supporting me throughout the most excruciatingly painful time of my life. After an unexpected break-up with my husband and the loss of my dearest friend, I felt that grief and spiritual dryness were my only realities. You helped me to understand the deepest spiritual potentials of my grief and the granted opportunity for a more authentic life. I feel ready to embark in a new chapter of my life with new inner resources… and exciting expectations!” – Marissa (United States) ‘

“Estoy muy agradecido por el cálido y profundo acompañamiento de Jorge. Me ha ayudado a transitar un momento de dificultad personal respecto a una relación íntima y una etapa de cambios importantes. Durante el proceso he mejorado mi escucha interna, conexión con la sexualidad-cuerpo-instinto, confianza y presencia. Me siento inspirado y con nuevas herramientas para integrar en mi vida. Gracias de nuevo”  - Adriá Montesinos (Spain)

"Working with Jorge has helped navigate diverse areas of my life, working with plant medicine has led me to new paths of understanding and Jorge has helped me integrate those experiences, to connect even more with the symbolisms of my psyche. The work we have done has also gone through diverse areas of how I relate in loving and sexual relationships and doing the work helped me understand which patterns were being triggered and how to connect to growth and change from a compassionate and more accepting place." Nicolás (Spain).

“En mi trabajo con Jorge he apreciado su supervisión y reflejos, así como su respeto a mi identidad cambiante, su sincronía y su respeto por los tiempos. Y, en especial, tener una interacción sincera con un terapeuta hombre con el que poder hablar desde la libertad desde una identidad masculina no arquetípica en la que me siento reflejado.” - Federico (Spain). 

"Reaching out to Jorge at a pivotal moment in our relationship was our wisest decision as a couple. First, by deeply listening to each one of us and the two of us together, and then, by suggesting practical tools and steps to heal and evolve our relationship, Jorge gracefully held the space for us to transmute a perceived crisis into a generous opportunity for personal and relational growth. If you long for an integral life rooted in nurturing and mature human relationships, Jorge is an extraordinary professional who will certainly accompany you there in a wiser, humbler, and more compassionate manner." - Carlota and Pablo (Portugal/Spain).

“Agradecemos mucho a Jorge el haber facilitado la creación conjunta de un espacio seguro y respetuoso donde poder explorar nuestras dificultades como pareja, compartir nuestros sentimientos y necesidades y sentirnos escuchados y comprendidos. Con su apoyo nos dio la confianza necesaria para explorar nuevos caminos y nos animó a probar cosas nuevas. Su ayuda fue fundamental para poder atravesar la profunda crisis en la que nos encontrábamos y lograr así evolucionar como pareja.” – Manuel y Anna (Spain)

“The gentleness and immense love Jorge bring to his work were crucial in guiding our partnership through a very painful rupture. He helped us to move past all the noise and resentment that tend to accumulate over the years of a long-term relationship and navigate our situation with the heart. We are truly changed from our experience working with Jorge and forever grateful.” – Jennifer and Antonio (United States)

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